Our Service Policy

1. Cancellation policy :
STM reserves the right to cancel a  membership if the therapist feels at any point and time the communication policy has been breached . ( see policy below ) If they feel threatened or harassed in any way. If the client behavior is unbecoming of our policy. 

2. Talking During Your Session:
During sessions, clients are encouraged to relax and inform the practitioner immediately if anything makes them uncomfortable, either physically or psychologically, so adjustments can be made. Though talking may occur during the session, you will be encouraged to save conversation for afterward, as it takes away from your experience of deep relaxation and contact with your self, as well as the practitioners focus and meditative state of being.

Please note that once you have booked an appointment with us it means that we have reserved time in our schedule exclusively for you. If you cancel your appointment less than [24 hours] before it is scheduled to take place, you will be subject to a [penalty/fee/rebooking charge of $25.00

To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide cancellation notice at least [24 hours] prior to your appointment. You can cancel or reschedule an appointment by emailing us at Storrstherapeuticmassage@gmail.com

3. Inappropriate Behavior:

4.Gift Certificates: